

Dr. Fadi Castronovo

Hi! My name is Dr. Fadi Castronovo, and I am an Evaluation and Assessment Consultant at Castronovo Educational Assessments and Evaluations LLC. My work as a consultant focuses on providing external evaluation and consultation services to higher-education institutions submitting grants to Federal and State Institutions. I strive to provide rigorous assessment and evaluation while investigating innovative and experimental research questions.

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For the past decade, Dr. Fadi Castronovo Ph.D., EIT, has been a Senior Lecturer in the Built Environment at the University of Brighton and an Assistant Professor of Engineering at the California State University East Bay. His research focused on the use of innovative technology (such as BIM, virtual and augmented reality) for the enhancement of construction management and engineering delivery process. He has researched the role of immersive virtual reality to improve the delivery process of facilities, starting from the design to the management of the facility. His research also focused on intersecting with educational psychology, with a special focus on self-regulated learning of Lean Design and Construction practices. Lastly, his main research focus layed in the development and assessment of educational video games for the advancement of STEM education. At Cal State East Bay, he supported the formation of the Construction Engineering Advanced Technologies (CEAT) Center. Three of his research groups are part of the CEAT Center. The Immersive and Interactive Research group performs research in the use and development of interactive workspaces for integrated project teams. Efforts from Lean Construction Research group focus on the use of technology to eliminate construction waste. Lastly, the STEM Educational Gaming Research group efforts focus on leveraging engaging and innovative technology to enhance the education for future construction managers and engineers

Selected Works


Castronovo F., Oliver J., Stanciulescu A. (2020) Measuring Students’ Engagement in Learning Volumes of Revolution when Using Advanced Visualization Media in an Active Learning Environment. American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference 2020. June 22 - 26

Kandi, V. R., Castronovo, F., Brittle, P., Mastrolembo Ventura, S., & Nikolic, D. (2020). Assessing the Impact of a Construction Virtual Reality Game on Design Review Skills of Construction Students. Journal of Architectural Engineering, 26(4), 04020035.

Liu, Y., Castronovo, F., Messner, J., & Leicht, R. (2020). Evaluating the Impact of Virtual Reality on Design Review Meetings. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 34(1), 04019045.

Castronovo, F., Van Meter, P. N., & Messner, J. I. (2018). Leveraging metacognitive prompts in construction educational games for higher educational gains. International Journal of Construction Management, 1-12.

Castronovo, F., Oprean, D., Liu Y., Messner, J. (2017) Application of Immersive Virtual Reality Systems in an Interdisciplinary Design Studio Course. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality (CONVR), Crete, GR.

Castronovo, F., Van Meter, P. N., Zappe, S. E., Leicht, R. M., & Messner, J. I. (2017). Developing problem-solving skills in construction education with the virtual construction simulator. International Journal of Engineering Education, 33(2), 831-846.

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