Experienced Services

Selected Past Experiences



Virtual Construction Simulator 4

The VCS4 was designed to engage students in active learning by simulating the planning, development, and management of construction schedules and projects. The game was developed to engage freshman-level students in their early learning of construction planning by building a wood pavilion. Dr. Fadi Castronovo assessed and evaluated the impact of VCS4 using quantitative and qualitative experimental methodologies.

"Virtual Construction Simulator: Developing An Experiential Learning Simulation For Improved Learning of Construction Engineering and Management Concepts" part of the National Science Foundation Division Of Undergraduate Education (DUE) program.



Automation and Visualization Lab

The growing adoption of active learning strategies is changing teaching practices in many disciplines. In particular, mathematics instructors are increasingly using active learning methods to engage students in the classroom and reduce achievement gaps. In this program, Dr. Fadi Castronovo assessed and evaluated with quantitative methods the impact of an active learning task in a Mathematics course in an advanced visualization laboratory.

"Student Engagement in Mathematics through a Network for Active Learning (SEMINAL)" part of the National Science Foundation Division Of Undergraduate Education (DUE) program.



Caltrans Unmanned Aircraft Safety Management System

With the commercialization of immersive virtual reality technology and with the implementation unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), construction managers can improve project inspection processes and increase safety for the inspection staff. However, to leverage UAVs the inspection and maintenance staff must be properly trained. To address this issue, the project used immersive VR to support the development of training material for future inspection, maintenance, and operating staff with the use of UAVs. Dr. Fadi Castronovo assessed and evaluated with qualitative methods the impact of immersive VR training.


Partnership for Research and Education in Materials

The Cal State LA PREM program, in partnership with the MRSEC Center for Nanoscale Science at Penn State University (PSU), enhances the research and education of students in materials science and engineering at Cal State LA. Its focus is on mentoring, guiding, and training undergraduate and master’s students for careers in the field via a comprehensive scientific and educational program. In this program, Dr. Fadi Castronovo assessed and evaluated the impact of the PREM program using quantitative and qualitative methods.




Virtual Reality Laboratory at Mission College Santa Clara

Mission College at Santa Clara invested in the development of a Virtual Reality Laboratory with over 16 headsets, allowing Engineering faculty to run large scale immersive learning activities. Dr. Fadi Castronovo designed the laboratory layout and learning activities and worked with IT in building a stimulating learning environment.


Visualization and Immersion Laboratory at Cal State East Bay

Dr. Fadi Castronovo designed and built the Visualization and Immersion (VIC) Laboratory at the California State University East Bay. The VIC is capable of running 12 Virtual Reality headsets, ideal for large-scale learning activities.
